3213 MacArthur Road
Whitehall, PA. 18052

Contact Us

Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority
3213 MacArthur Road
Whitehall, PA 18052-2921
Phone: (610) 437-4461
Fax: (610) 437-0696
Email: info@cwsauthority.org

Sign up for eBILLS by sending us an email at info@cwsauthority.org. Make sure to include your customer number!


From the Lehigh Valley Mall and Route 22, go North on Route 145 approximately 3.5 mles. After passing the Whitehall Diner (Mechanicsville Road), at the second traffic light, make a right on Municipal Drive, then make another right into the Township Complex. We are the building to the right of the Whitehall Township building. CWSA is the building closest to MacArthur Road.

If coming south on 145 from Laurys Station area and above, continue on Route 145 south, past Weis Markets, one traffic light past the light at AutoZone, make a left onto Municipal Drive, then make a right into the Township Complex. We are the building to the right of the Whitehall Township building. CWSA is the building closest to MacArthur Road.

Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority
© Coplay White Sewer Authority, 3213 MacArthur Road / Whitehall, PA. 18052 / 610-437-4461
site design | na studios